When you join our club, please introduce yourself by submitting a bio to be included in ‘Who’s Who: Members Bios’ and linked to the roster. Though our club is geographically scattered, members may ‘meet’ each other through the bio section.
The (please click or scroll down) are meant to guide you in deciding what to write; you may tell us about yourself using your own format
if you wish, or if you simply wish to introduce yourself with a photo, you may do that as well. We’ve added a “Favorite
Links” option where you may list photo sites, business links, etc. We will edit the text so it will appear written in the third person – in the form of an interview. (Please send at least five complete sentences. The material you send will be only minimally edited.)
Photos: please send full size, if possible. If you have a portrait (in or out of current kit) send it. One of you on your bike is fine too. Send photos to Webmaster