Puerto Rico MTB Cup Race Report – Justin Peck
Hi Team, These last 2 weeks I have been down in Puerto Rico for a total of 5 UCI mountain bike races, including one of the U23 Continental Series competitions and several Elite C1/HC events. This tops my list as one of the coolest places I have been for a bike race, and it was […]
Snelling Road Race – Held March 1, 2025 – Report for Cat 3/4/5 35+
Date: March 1, 2025 Field Size: 43 LGBRC Racers (finishing position): – Dan Scannell (20th) – Salvatore Talarico (7th) – Vu Nguyen (18th) – Brian Paden (11th) Reporter: Brian Paden Course: 4 laps on a flat 11-mile circuit with very poor road conditions (Strava segment). An oil slick from a spill made one of the […]
Copper Valley Circuit Race, Master 35+, 4/5 Race report
Date: Sunday, Feb 23, 2025 LGBRC racers: Salvatore Talarico, Vu Nguyen, Elvis Wu, Luis Gomez Results: Salvatore (13th), Vu (8th), Luis (4th), Elvis (10th) Course: Closed course; 2.5 miles, 2.5 miles back; 180 degree hairpin turns Strava: https://www.strava.com/segments/642369?filter=overall Race recap: At the line, was a group of 19 revved up Master 35+ racers; a group […]
Cyclocross Nationals Race Report – A win for Justin!
Hi Team, I made the trip with Justin to the Cyclocross National Championships, which were held in Louisville, Kentucky, for the second year in a row. I raced the Men 55-59 event on Friday, and Justin was racing twice with the collegiate race on Thursday and the U23 Men on Saturday. The course was […]
Race Report: Pan American Cyclocross Championships, November 1-3
Missoula Montana hosted this year’s championships which were open to racers from the US, Canada, Central America, and South America. The northernly location meant that it was mostly US and Canadian riders in attendance, but there were strong fields to battle for the coveted PanAm jerseys that were on the line. I raced four times […]
Race Report – MTB National Championships
Justin and I made the journey to Bear Creek Mountain Resort near Allentown, PA to contest the Mountain Bike National Championships for XC and short track. I was focused on trying to repeat my title from 2022 in the 50-54 age group and Justin hoped to get inside the top 10 in the U23 races. […]
Missoula XC + Canada Cup Canmore Race Report – Justin Peck
Hi Team, Hope you are enjoying the summer weather and getting lots of good riding in! My season is now in full swing, and I spent the last 7 days competing in 4 UCI xc races in Montana and Canada. It was a last minute trip, but I couldn’t pass up the opportunity to race […]
Race Report – U23 Pan American Championships
Hi Team, This weekend I flew out to Utah for the Pan American mountain bike championships! This was my fourth time returning to Soldier Hollow (my first ever UCI mountain bike race 3 years ago), but the first time that Pan Ams have been hosted by the US in recent years. Athletes flew in from […]
Cantua Creek RR Women’s 3/4/5(novice) Feb. 17, 2024 Category 4
The following account is from Trang: “19 women preregistered but only 16 were at the start. For today’s race my personal goal wasn’t placement but it was to learn how to attack. I attempted 3 attacks and they were all successful. The race was a 40mi race: 7 miles out, turn around to the start […]
Race Report – Cyclocross National Championships
Justin and I made the journey to Louisville, Kentucky for what we expected to be a wet and muddy battle against the nation’s fastest cyclocross riders. Our first events were on Thursday with Justin racing the collegiate race in the morning with me in the afternoon for the 50-54 event. Justin then finished off the […]
Justin Peck: UCI Mountain Bike World Cup
Hi Team, The last two weekends I had the opportunity to race for USA Cycling at the UCI Mountain Bike World Cup in Snowshoe, West Virginia and Mont Saint Anne, Quebec! I competed in the U23 cross country events, racing against the fastest mountain bike athletes from development, factory, and national teams around the world. […]
Race Report – 1st cyclocross races of the year and World Cup!
Hi Team, We had a number of LGBRC racers at the first two cyclocross races of the season this past weekend with Justin Peck taking the Men’s A race win at both events! The two courses were completely different with Saturday’s VSRT in Livermore on a super dusty course with lots of loose cornering and […]
Race Report – Breck Epic mountain bike stage race, August 13-18
Justin and I finished up the 6-day Breck Epic mountain bike stage race on Friday with some solid results at this high altitude event in Breckenridge, Colorado. The single track in this area is amazing (and occasionally rocky) with all six stages starting right in downtown Breckenridge and heading out in a different direction each […]
Race Report – MTB XC Nationals, Master’s Men
Justin and I traveled to hot and humid Bear Creek Resort in Pennsylvania the past few days for the MTB national championships for XC and short track. We each wrote race reports from our different events so you will receive two separate emails since we each wrote a fair amount. If you subscribe to FloBikes […]
Race Report – U23 XC MTB Nationals, Justin
Hi Team, Last week my dad and I flew out to mountain bike nationals at Bear Creek Resort in Pennsylvania, a totally different venue than the previous few years in Winter Park. Although it was great to be competing at sea level, this area presents its own difficulties in the hot, humid, and often rainy […]
Utah Soldier Hollow Bike Festival – Justin Peck
Last weekend my mom and I drove out to Utah for the Soldier Hollow Bike Festival, which included UCI elite short track and cross country races. This event was postponed from its original date in May due to lasting snow conditions, making it the final race before national championships next week. Riders came from all […]
Justin Peck – Went to Montana for the Missoula XC
Hi Team, Last weekend I traveled to Montana for the Missoula XC. This year they had 3 cross country races and a short track, all UCI races and part of the Junior World Series. I was only able to make it out for two race days, but I made the most of my short trip. […]
Grinduro Gravel Win!
Justin and I raced the Grinduro gravel event in Mt Shasta this past weekend, and we each came away with the win in our categories (Pro men for Justin and 50-59 for me). It is a somewhat unique format in that there are four timed stages spread throughout the 61 mile course. The stages are […]
Race Report – Sea Otter Classic, Fuego XC, April 23
The Peck family all got out to race the 26 mile MTB event this past Sunday, with cool cloudy conditions making for fast racing without any concerns of overheating. Anna and I did not make the podium, although I came close with a 4th place finish in the men’s 50-59 field of over one hundred […]
Justin Peck – Race report from Bentonville, Arkansas ~ April 15, 2023
Hi Team, Last week I competed in several xc mountain bike races in Bentonville, Arkansas. It was the second round of the US Cup Series, including one short track and two cross country events (UCI HC). I raced U23 cross country and elite short track. Planning to miss the whole week of classes at Berkeley, […]
Race Report TBF Mountain Bike Championships March 23 – plus upcoming dirt schedule
Hi Team, Justin and I raced in Granite Bay last weekend on a slightly muddy course that tested our ability to sprint up short rises and corner in varying dirt conditions. Justin finished 2nd in the Pro category and I was first in the 50+ expert division. The start was one big group for all the […]
From Michael Cordova: Mar. 25, 2023 – Exchequer MTB Race 40+ Expert ~ 4 of 15
Exchequer MTB Race 40+ Expert 4 of 15 Amazing venue! Plenty of camping and amazing views. Course is directly adjacent to the Barrett Cove campgrounds and has 15+ miles of fun single track. XC course starts with a long 2.5 mile climb with a steep descent on a black diamond trail then some fast rollers […]
Race Result: Bariani RR ~ 80miles, from Michael Cordova
Bariani RR 20/47 P12 80miles Course was changed and shortened due to flooding in the farmland across the 505. We did a 10 mile loop leaving from Bariani Olive Oil, right on frontage road, right onto super rollers, right onto climb then back to the start for a 10 mile loop. Tons of wind especially […]
Race Report for Mendo Hopper plus upcoming dirt races
Hi Team, Justin and I did our first race of the year with limited success, but we look forward to better fitness and improved luck in the weeks to come. Justin was just behind the solo leader in the Pro race with a healthy 6 minute gap when he took a wrong turn just 3 […]
Feb. 25 – Race Report from Gianluca Ambroglio
Race: Grasshopper Huffmaster Age Group 30-39 Date: February 25, 2023 Result: 24 / 48 Course: Gravel – 90miles. Completed in 6 hours Strava: https://www.strava.com/activities/8622441631 Hi All, This was probably one of the hardest gravel race I have ever done where mud and snow for 90 miles took over all the fun of the event. On top […]
Cherry Pie Crit: A race report from Alexis DeZubiria
Women 3 Our weekend itself was slammed with bike events. We had a NICA HS MTB race in Modesto that Ben coached on Saturday, a middle school MTB race, also in Modesto, that Ben also coached on Sunday and our own bike races on Monday. We camped with our tailor in napa at a campground literally […]
Salvatore Talarico Race Report: Livermore Criterium, Men 35+ Cat 3/4
Date: February 12, 2023 Result: 17th / 27 Course: 45 Minutes This is my first year racing on a bike, and actually this was my very first biking race. Before the race, I decided to upgrade from Cat-5 to Cat-4, and entered the Men 35+ Cat 3/4. Being new to biking races and to the […]
Race Report from Gianluca Ambrogio : CCCX MTB XC RACE #1 February 12, 2023
This was my first XCO race in a MTB Series. As first time and not knowing exactly what to expect, I’ve decided to join Cat 3. I had no real goals for the race other than do my best. The starting line was in a paved section that would join the trails at about 1/3 of the course. People […]
Livemore crit #1: A Race report from Alexis DeZubiria (Lexi) Feb. 12, 2023
I entered into two races; the Women’s 3s and the Women’s P/1/2/3. Women’s 3: (5th/6th) They grouped the W3s with the Women 40+ and it was a strong group. This race isn’t traditionally known to be fast, because it’s an early season race, and today it was. I managed to keep with the front group […]
Race Report: Two Medals from Cyclocross Nationals in Hartford, CT
Hi Team, Justin and I traveled this past week to attend this cold and muddy event in New England. Justin was racing the collegiate and U23 race and I was challenging the 50-54 men’s field. The first event was the collegiate men on Thursday, so we arrived in time to check out the course on […]
Peter Hecht’s Race Report from MTB Nationals
Hi Team, In July, I took two weeks to travel to Winter Park Colorado to participate in the USAC mountain bike national championships. Since Winter Park is situated at 9000 feet of elevation I had to acclimate. To acclimate, I spent a few days at Mammoth Lakes followed by Park city, and then a few […]
Mountain Bike National Championships Report by Justin Peck
Hi Team, This year’s mountain bike national championships were held in Winter Park, Colorado again at an elevation of over 9000ft. To help prepare for racing at altitude, our family spent the previous week in Tahoe to acclimate to 6000ft before driving out to the Rockies. We arrived on Tuesday afternoon, giving me a few days to […]
Race Report – Mountain Bike National Championship Win!
Greetings from Winter Park, Colorado where I just won the Mountain Bike National Championships for the men’s 50-54 age group on a hilly course that climbed to elevations over 10,000 feet. It was my second attempt at a stars and stripes jersey after finishing 3rd last year on the same course. Despite competing in hundreds […]
Race Report – Justin Peck, Missoula and Canmore/Whistler Canada Cup
Hi Team, My teammate Dylan Atkinson and I just completed a three-week road trip to three UCI mountain bike races in Montana and Canada! We took his Sportsmobile van and camped out at the race venues along the way. It was a great trip with tons of amazing riding in between the race weekends. Our […]
Missoula and Canmore/Whistler Canada Cup Race Report
Report from From Justin Peck, June 30, 2022 Hi Team, My teammate Dylan Atkinson and I just completed a three-week road trip to three UCI mountain bike races in Montana and Canada! We took his Sportsmobile van and camped out at the race venues along the way. It was a great trip with tons of […]
Race Report: Grinduro Gravel, Shasta, CA May 21
Hi Team, Justin and I raced the Grinduro Gravel event in Shasta, CA this past weekend and enjoyed the new style of racing which had four timed segments spread out over the 58 mile event. That meant we had time to ride with others between segments and stop at all the snack and lunch stops! […]
Race Update – Grasshopper Sherwood Gravel, May 15
Hi Team, Justin, Heather and I did round #4 of the Grasshopper series which was the Sherwood Adventure gravel race in the Fort Bragg area, with Justin taking the win for the Pro men! He attacked on the steep dirt climb midway through the race to split off a group of five riders, and then […]
Soldier Hollow Utah Race Report – Justin Peck
Hi Team, Last weekend I raced at Soldier Hollow in Utah, the second round of UCI races in this year’s US pro cross country tour. My mom and I drove out from California on Thursday and Friday, and we arrived late Friday afternoon in time for a course preride. I had raced at Soldier Hollow […]
Peter Hecht’s Race Report: Soldier Hollow
During the week leading up to my race at Soldier Hollow, I was able to take some time off and do school virtually in Utah while riding trails and acclimating. The first part of the week went by pretty quickly as I enjoyed riding some of the best trails in the country at Corner Canyon […]
Stage 5 – Gila Monster Road Race
Stage 5 – Gila Monster Road Race After a hair-raising crit experience, the team wanted to make their mark on this edition of the epic Tour of the Gila. Alison Tetrick informed us at our evening race debrief that historically a break can go on this stage. We were determined to be represented in it. […]
Tour of the Gila Stage 2
Stage 2 – Inner Loop Road Race Indeed, the fireworks did ignite today!! Five miles into the race was the first sprint, and not long after that was the first QOM. This caused the peloton to shatter early on. Lauren De Crescenzo (Cinch) launched at the base of the first QOM, and Instafund, DNA, and […]
Tour of the Gila – Stage 1
Stage 1 – Mogollon Road Race Today, everyone was a bit nervous about the tactics after an intense Redlands experience. The team made the decision to not go for Sprint jersey because none of us have done this race before, and we have not raced as a team (3 guest rider additions who have never […]
Justin Peck Race Report – US Pro Cup in Arkansas
Last week I traveled to Arkansas for the US Pro Cup, the first UCI mountain bike races in the US this year. The Bentonville area is known for its endless network of man-made trails, thanks to millions invested by the Walmart family. The course in Centennial Park is made up of flowy descents with berms, […]
Redlands Bicycle Classic Stage 4 – LGBRC Victory!
Dear LGBRC Sponsors and Members, The Redlands Bicycle Classic is the longest continuous running invitational, professional stage race in American bike racing. Each year, the City of Redlands, CA and surrounding communities open their homes, their hearts and their streets to world-class athletes. From humble beginnings on a Memorial Day weekend in 1985, the event, […]
In2thelionsden race report
Christopher Guzik As this was my first ever race as a cat 3 and it was a 3/2/1 open event I had a ton of nerves going in. I made sure to mitigate this as much as possible the days before by sleeping as much as possible and drinking tons of water. One of my […]
Race Report – MTB Marathon Nationals – 4th
I took a trip this past weekend to Frederick, Maryland for the mountain bike marathon nationals championships which was a 32 mile race held on old-school rock infested hiking trails. It was completely different than the riding conditions we are used to in California, with no smooth dirt, no berms, and not a single place […]
Race Report – Collegiate Mountain Bike National Championships
LGBRC and UC Berkeley racer Justin Peck achieved a result far beyond his expectations as he made it onto the podium in both the cross country and the short track this weekend in his very first trip to collegiate nationals. Purgatory, Colorado had received more than six inches of snow earlier in the week, making […]
Race Report – Sea Otter Classic XC
LGBRC had some great results this past weekend at the Sea Otter Classic which is one of the most prestigious events in the US. It was held in October this year instead of the usual April time frame, and in typical years it attracts up to 74,000 fans and 9.800 athletes over all cycling disciplines. […]
Race Report: Folsom Cyclocross and Mt. Diablo Hillclimb
A weekend of mixed dirt and road racing has just wrapped up with multiple LGBRC members making the podiums. On Saturday, the first race of the Sacramento cyclocross series kicked off at Lakeside Church in Folsom, with racing on some actual green grass as opposed to the usual dry dust. Lisa Cordova finished 3rd in […]
Race Report: VSRTCX at Rowell Ranch 9/25/21
Hello All, The first cyclocross race of the season was this past Saturday in Castro Valley at Rowell Ranch. It was a challenging course with lots of turns and some short climbs and descents. There is an image below of the course which shows the beauty of a cyclocross race that is packed into a […]
Feb. 16, 2020 -Valley of the Sun –
Submitted by Eleanor Wiseman Last post for Valley of the Sun: What a weekend! We did it! For our first stage race together, it was a success! The team worked hard to keep our GC leader’s position AND do well in the crit on Sunday with JenWilson covering attacks and even making it in a […]
Feb. 15, 2020 -Valley of the Sun –
Submitted by Eleanor Wiseman 2nd day of Valley of the Sun Stage race was a success! The road race was spicy from the get go. We had a plan and everyone executed it and gave it their all. Our team chased attacks throughout the race and Melanie Wong sprinted for 3rd! And Steph Sydlik and […]
Feb. 14, 2020 -Valley of the Sun –
Feb. 14, 2020 –Valley of the Sun – Submitted by Eleanor Wiseman The women road team is thrilled to be racing at Valley of the Sun Stage race this weekend! Friday was the time trial! We all rode hard and are excited to see good results in a stacked field of pros. @stefsydlik (our amazing […]
January 25, 2020 – Low Gap Grasshopper Adventure Series –
January 25, 2020 – Low Gap Grasshopper Adventure Series – Submitted by Eleanor Wiseman Grasshopper’s Low Gap or my first meeting with a gravel/dirt event Two weekends ago I took part in Low Gap’s grasshopper – my first gravel/dirt event. I wanted to share my experience to encourage others to try new things as it […]
Breck Epic Mountain Bike Stage Race, Race Report
Justin and I have just completed this 6-day stage race in Breckenridge, Colorado which covers 220 miles and over 40,000 feet of climbing, with the resulting descending being the best part! We competed in the 2-person open men team category and were able to win all six stages and the overall title. Although there were […]

Mountain Bike National Championships in Winter Park Colorado
Hi Team,Here is a quick update from Mountain Bike National Championships in Winter Park Colorado where Gavin Hlady, Charles Rausch, Justin Peck, and Chris Peck are racing. In the Junior 17/18 cross country on Friday we had Gavin put in an amazing ride for 12th place with Justin in 57th. Due to the size of […]